The difference between GridTied and Hybrid Solar Inverters

31 May 2024

In the world of solar energy systems, two configurations seem to stand out from the rest as being the most popular, especially in Pakistan. The first is on-grid, colloquially known as an on-grid solar energy system, whereas the second one is the hybrid solar energy system. Given the general lack of information around these two configurations and what exactly they mean, let us, in this blog, explain the difference between on-grid and hybrid, and why these configurations depend solely on the inverter configuration and not on any other part of the solar energy system. This is everything you need to know about the differences between on-grid solar inverters vs hybrid solar inverters.

Whether it’s the best on-grid solar inverter or the best hybrid solar inverter that you want, ZNC Solar has the most extensive selection of the best GoodWe inverters in Pakistan. From its HT series to the purpose-built commercial inverters, explore from a vast catalogue of the best solar energy equipment in Pakistan and select yours to truly experience the best of solar energy.

Let’s start by explaining what the basic difference between hybrid and on-grid inverters is.

On-grid vs hybrid solar inverters: the differences

The basic difference between on-grid systems and hybrid systems in general is the way that these systems, and by extension, these inverters operate. As their name suggests, both are connected to the grid; the only system unique enough to operate completely without any input from the grid is called an off-grid system. But let’s look at the general configuration of the system before we differentiate on-grid and hybrid inverters.

On-grid: On-grid, as the name implies, is a system that is hooked up to the grid and derives a majority of its energy from the grid, using solar energy to instead supplement whatever requirements the grid cannot fulfill. This means that since solar is dependent on the grid energy, should the grid fail due to some reason or during blackouts, solar energy also won’t be available and will not be able to energise the premises on its own.

Hybrid: Hybrid systems combine the best of both on-grid and off-grid systems to provide uninterrupted access to energy. They combine the battery storage aspect of off-grid systems and the grid connectivity aspect of on-grid systems to provide a configuration that always maximises the availability of energy. Since you have batteries in the mix, a hybrid solar energy system can run without the input from the grid, meaning that in a blackout situation, solar energy can energise the premises. And, with net metering enabled and with a connection to the grid, unused solar energy can then be fed back into the grid, earning the user credits with their distribution company.

The same principles and rules apply to the inverters. One important thing to note here is that the solar energy system and its configuration is determined by the inverter itself. Solar panels, batteries and other allied accessories are usually the same across configurations, and it is only the inverter which is different and therefore, determines the configuration of the system.

On-grid inverters:

On-grid inverters are designed to work in tandem with the grid, combining both the energy from the grid and the solar panels to provide access to a mix of energy that supplements the household. Given the requirements of this particular configuration, on-grid inverters are not designed to operate with battery power, and therefore, are not of much use in blackout conditions when grid power isn’t available.

Hybrid inverters:

Hybrid inverters, much like their configuration, are the jack of all trades, and work by combining the input from the solar panels, the grid and the battery to provide an uninterrupted access to energy. Since these inverters efficiently deal with energy from three different sources, hybrid inverters are extremely robust, long-lasting and very efficient, resulting in a price point that far exceeds that of its on-grid counterpart. That being said, hybrid inverters also represent the best of what solar energy has to offer: by combining three different sources of energy, they ensure an unbridled access to energy that can power an entire premises even on solar energy alone.

Aside from pricing and their configuration, the differences between on-grid inverters and hybrid inverters aren’t that much considerable, and with that being said, understand that the configuration of a system is entirely dependent on the inverter. Both inverters will use essentially the same solar panels to generate energy.

ZNC Solar: the best GoodWe solar inverters in Pakistan

Pakistan is a country that is quickly becoming a hotbed of activity for solar energy. Which is why, it is imperative that only the best solar energy equipment be available for both residential and commercial purposes, allowing consumers to tap into the amazing efficiency that such equipment boasts. ZNC Solar boasts a wide range of both solar panels and solar inverters in Pakistan from top-rated manufacturers including CanadianSolar, GoodWe, Jinko, JA Solar and Astronergy to help Pakistan make the most out of solar energy to offset the issues caused by an unreliable grid.