Solar revolution, the case for renewable energy in Pakistan

13 May 2024

Pakistan is a country that has a lot of potential especially when it comes to renewable energy sources like solar. This means that to ensure that the grid and transmission issues are negated and don’t affect the consumer, people have started to rely on solar energy as a way to complement the grid energy. This has essentially snowballed into what is the solar revolution, currently underway, as companies scramble to provide high quality equipment for solar energy systems for both residential and commercial purposes. In this blog post, we’ll try and understand the case for solar revolution in Pakistan, and how, solar energy equipment suppliers like ZNC Solar are playing their part in fueling the revolution.

Solar energy and Pakistan: the setting

Pakistan, as much a country with natural resources and great potential, is also a place where for several different reasons, energy security is rarely discussed, all the while our national grid faces problems unlike anything else in the world. Rolling blackouts, transmission losses and a depreciating grid infrastructure have caused energy consumption and energy security to be shady and unreliable at best. On the other hand, since most of the country’s electricity is generated by using fossil fuels, Pakistan is also one of the big offenders when it comes to carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. The need for a clean, green, reliable and renewable energy source was long in the coming, and it finally arrived in the form of solar energy.

With solar energy, the primary issue of reliability and energy security can be addressed. With Pakistan’s impressive range of weathers and a high exposure to sunlight throughout the year, solar energy presents itself as viable solution to the issue of energy reliability in Pakistan. With high-efficiency solar panels like those from CanadianSolar and inverters from manufacturers like GoodWe, both residential and commercial consumers can ensure a steady supply of uninterruptable energy, thanks to the power of the sun.

On the flip side, we have the carbon, greenhouse gas emissions that Pakistan belches out. While not as bad as some of the neighbours on the eastern side, the output is still high owing to the sole dependence on fossil fuels for energy generation. Everything from crude oil to coal is used to energise the grid, and that has climatic and environmental ramifications like flooding, extreme heatwaves and many other results that have wreaked havoc.

Solar energy is the one source of energy that is the perfect solution to all the problems that Pakistan has. However, on its own solar energy can only do so much. What Pakistan direly needs is excellent solar energy equipment suppliers who can help bridge the gap between the country’s traditionally technophobic audience and the rapid advancements that solar energy equipment manufacturers have made elsewhere.

The role of solar energy equipment suppliers in Pakistan

At the forefront of this revolution stand solar energy equipment suppliers like ZNC Solar, one of the top solar suppliers in Pakistan. By sourcing and providing the best and most technologically advanced solar energy equipment in Pakistan, it is suppliers like ZNC that are making a difference, allowing solar energy to continue growing in Pakistan and provide consumers with a viable alternative to the problem-laden and extremely expensive grid energy. Whether its solar inverters that promise a whopping 99 per cent efficiency rate or solar panels that are extremely efficient and long-lasting, suppliers like them play an important role in ensuring that the trajectory for solar energy isn’t affected by outside elements.

Solar energy is as good as the equipment that consumers use; whether its residential or commercial, equipment being used will determine just how much efficiency a consumer can get, how much usability and how long will it take for the solar savings to kick in and start generating the return on investment. With equipment from the manufacturers mentioned beforehand, its no wonder that Pakistan’s solar energy skyline is growing rapidly and the outlook is only getting better and better.

ZNC Solar: the last word in solar energy equipment!

ZNC Solar is the authorized Jinko solar distributor and GoodWe distributor in Pakistan. But that’s not all: whether you want CanadianSolar panels for your system or the most efficient solar inverter from GoodWe, ZNC Solar has it all. Since 1991, we’ve been taking Pakistan to the cutting edge of solar technology, and we intend to continue that same trajectory.